Bresaola Sandwich

Bresaola Sandwich

Bresaola Sandwich is a tasty option that can be ready in no time with minimum cooking skills. Great to enjoy with juice, tea or coffee.


Bresaola: 4-6 slices

Wholewheat Bread: 2 slices (or your choice)

Tomato: 1 medium

Cheese: 2 slices of your preferred cheese (such as white cheddar or gouda)

Baby Gem Lettuce / Butterhead Lettuce: 2 leaves


Toast two bread slices in a toaster or on a pan until lightly browned.

Thinly slice tomato.

On the slice of toasted bread put baby gem lettuce leaf, sliced tomatoes, cheese slices, bresaola and cover with another baby gem lettuce leaf.

Place the second slice of bread on top of ingredients from the previous step to create a sandwich.

Cut the bresaola sandwich in half.


Cooking Video

Alternative Options / Notes

Use any type of cheese, tomato, or lettuce you prefer.

Additionally, you can add other ingredients such as avocado or red onion if you like.

Bring extra flavours to bresaola sandwich by adding a simple sauce: in a small bowl, mix together the greek yogurt (mayonnaise for non healthy option :) ), dijon mustard, and lemon juice. Spread the mixture onto one side of each of the bread slices.

Best taste if you serve it with tea, coffee or orange juice.

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Bresaola Sandwich is delicious and enjoyable option for a quick breakfast.

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